Griffith Power Systems is a woman owned manufacturer’s representative agency based in Atlanta, GA. Griffith Power Systems was founded in 2003 by Dwight Griffith at the urging of key influences at Georgia Power. Our primary geography is the southeastern United States from North Carolina down to Florida and across to Mississippi. We specialize in the electric utility market including investor owned utilities, electric cooperatives and public power utilities. Additionally, we have a heavy focus in the public safety sector serving law enforcement, fire and EMS agencies with their critical communication needs.

Team Members
Shane Blackwood
Shane joined Griffith Power Systems as Executive Vice President in 2015 after serving as VP of Sales for Vision Metering since 2003. In 2019, Shane transitioned to President of Griffith Power Systems. Shane served 8 years in the US Navy’s nuclear power program, both as an instructor and as an electrician aboard a ballistic missile submarine. He attended Thomas Edison State University and North Carolina State University and holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science and Technology.
Dwight Griffith
Dwight Griffith founded Griffith Power Systems in 2003. In 1980 he founded Griffith Herron Middlebrook Ross, a manufacturer’s representative organization which was sold to the employees in 2000 in an ESOP transaction. Business operations, strategic planning and equity positioning are corner stones in his skill set. A graduate at Tennessee Tech University in Industrial Technology he held sales and Sales Management positions at Alcoa Conductor Products Company prior to starting GHMR.
Derl Rhoades
Derl joined Griffith Power Systems in 2021 following his retirement from Alabama Power after 43 years. Derl’s career at Alabama Power earned him a reputation as an industry leader in all aspects of the electric utility industry including generation, transmission, distribution and metering.
Inside Sales
Griffith Power Systems’ inside sales team is available to assist with any quotations, invoicing and accounts payable that may be required. This is a jointly monitored email address to ensure prompt response to any customer needs.